18th Floor Balcony

It's getting hot in chapter seven let me tell you. Paula (my english teacher who is the most 'beige' person I've ever meet) is going to faint reading this hahaha. But it was about damn time poor Anabelle got some.

And no worries, it's not going to turn porn on you, just a tasteful lemon;) Enjoy

This kiss was nothing like the last had been. It had been gentle and sweet while this was full of passion and urgency.

My hands moved to his hair, gripping it tightly trying to get even closer while his hands were moving up and down my waist. He parted his lips and ran his tongue over my bottom lip asking for entrance, which I more than happy granted him. I sucked his tongue into my mouth and started to massage it with my own, I could not get him close enough.

As he started to kiss my neck, giving me a chance to breathe, I moved my hands down his chest, in complete awe of how hard it was. I wanted to feel more so I slipped my hands under his t-shirt slowly dragging it with me as my hands worked their way up his body. Aaron released me long enough for me to remove it completely and then went back to attacking my neck.

A moan escaped my lips when he found an extra sensitive spot and he then proceeded to pay extra attention to said spot. I tugged at his hair pulling him back to my lips.

Aaron had me pressed against the counter and grabbed my hips to help me up so that I was seated on the edge. His hands wandered up and down my side, gently gracing the sides of my breasts with each pass, but I needed more. When his hand moved to the bottom of my white tank-top, I broke the kiss and gave him an encouraging nod.

He lifted it over my head in one smooth movement and then took a step back. I tilted my head giving him a curious look. 

“Just...wow,” he breathed. A small giggle left my throat before I attacked his mouth again, his hands now eagerly exploring my body. I wrapped my legs around his waist, drawing him closer to me. Aaron tightened his grips on my hips and lifted me off the counter, starting to move towards his bedroom, never breaking the kiss.  

dun dun DUUUN

Postat av: cecilialiu

mumsigt ;)

2010-03-23 @ 23:01:19
URL: http://cecilialius.blogg.se/
Postat av: cicic

eeeh, uppdatering

2010-03-30 @ 15:48:18
URL: http://cecilialius.blogg.se/

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