
I didn’t know what to say or what to do. So, I ended up staring right into his brown eyes. He was close, closer than before and I could smell his breathe as it fanned across my face. It smelled like mint and something sweet.

“So beautiful,” he whispered more to himself than me I think. After everything I’d been through tonight I found that I couldn’t move away and to be honest, I didn’t know if I even wanted to. Perhaps this was what I needed, to help me forget if only for a minute or two.

I put all my attention on Aaron, pushing everything else to the back of mind. He inched closer until our bodies were pressed against each others, his face barley an inch away. Our noses touched and he tilted his head ever so slightly getting even closer if that was possible.

And just before his lips gently brushed against mine he whispered three words I would never forget.

“Last first kiss.”

aaaand the kissing scene is done, go me:)

Old drawing, but I thought it matched the scene

Postat av: cic

me like a lot :)

2010-02-06 @ 18:29:32

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