Lump sum

Right now, I'm waiting for my dad to get back from work. Once he does I've decided he's gonna give me a lift to Malin's. Pahahaha, I don't like public transportation. I've also been a good daughter toady and cleanded my room, which made my mum ridicolusly happy I might add. Although now it just don't feel like home in here. Meh, it'll be messy again soon enough.

Okay this is my inner nerd talking, 90 days 'til New Moon!! and I might be located in England when that happens. Keeping my fingers crossed;)Although my dad thinks Jade is a 54 year old rapist, and apperently her friend thinks I'm gonna kill her. hmmm a rapist and a killer, we might be a good match after all, pahahahahaha;)

In case anyone have missed it

Postat av: puremilk

DIY numbers oil paintings,easy and simple everyone can be artist is a style of art performed by filling numbered areas with specific colors. It is a DIY craft very popular in Europe, Japan and Koreapaint by numbers kit singapore.

2012-07-27 @ 16:51:43

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