
Sleeeeepy... so sleepy. Well I guess it's my own fault, haha. No but seriously I need to go to sleep before 4 in the morning. I'm just not tired, weird. I have to like force myself to sleep, it doesn't help that it's more fun to stay up either, hahaha;)

Anyways, I'm kinda disappointed in my so called friends who more or less forced me to write in this stupid blog thing. Now not even one of you can leave an itsy bitys comment? Shame on you! hahaha. There is like nothing to write 'cause I just don't do anything hahahaha. hmmm, well why do I write in english? hahaha well for starters is just more fun! Plus I think in english and write  (when I'm actually writing and not just starring at it, which is most of the time) in english, so it just makes more sense I guess.

Tomorrow I'm going to Malin's I think unless she is coming here? No, I'm coming to you, hahaha. That'll be fun, as always:D Oh and I'm forcing you (Malin) to colour my hair again, just so you know... Then I think we are going out wednesday, right?

I'm making no sense what so ever right know, could be due to sleep deprivation who knows?

I just gotta share a few pieces of mine and Jade's conversation last night (morning) HAHAHA we are just really weird...

And FYI the telletubies WERE waving at me!!

Postat av: Malin

Thanks 4 the infoooooo! :-D hohohoh

2009-08-03 @ 19:40:50
URL: http://theawesomemalin.blogg.se/
Postat av: Julia

hahahaha du är så välkommen;)

2009-08-03 @ 20:08:37
URL: http://juliaabergs.blogg.se/
Postat av: Jade

I think you should just go to sleep you know, I forget you're an hour ahead. There's me thinking what the hell am I still doing up now and you're an hour in front tut tut! Also, I think you should change the 'we are really weird bit', because I'm thinking that actually it's just you... host (oooh see my use of swedish there;))

Aha, I joke, I joke ;P

2009-08-04 @ 02:27:14
Postat av: Julia

HAHAHHA! I just don't like sleeping at the moment. hahaha yeah it's just me that's weird, miss soulja Jade... hahaha i feel so proud (*);)

2009-08-04 @ 16:23:44
URL: http://juliaabergs.blogg.se/

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