Brick by Boring Brick

OMG HAHAHAHA LMAO you have to look at this site 

Today in math class we were learning something I didn't understand so I asked the teacher for help. He jumped a foot in the air and nearly had a heart attack when I started speaking. Turns out a teacher I've had for a year and a half thought I was mute. That explains why he never asks me for answers. MLIA

Today I realized that every time I knock on the ceiling, my upstairs neighbor answers his front door. New source of amusement? yes. MLIA.

Today in history, I had fallen asleep during class. I then woke up to everybody singing Staying Alive by the Bee Gees. I asked the girl sitting next to me why. Apparently I sing with amazing clarity when I sleep. MLIA.

Today, I looked inside my lunchbox, expecting to find my usual peanut butter and jelly sandwich cut in half. Instead, I find two dinosaur-shaped peanut butter sandwiches and a note from my mother apologizing for the absence of jelly. Apology accepted. MLIA

Today, my sisters were talking about how everyone they know (including themselves) was getting pregnant. One said "There must be something in the air," As my dad was passing by, he just stopped and said "Yeah. Your legs." and went back to what he was doing. MLIA

Today, I was in my room studying when I heard a quiet knock on my door. My dad quickly tiptoed in, put a finger to his lips at me and hid in my closet. A minute later, my cat came in, looked around the room for a few minutes and left. Shortly after, my dad emerged from the closet, thanked me and tiptoed back out. I'm still not sure if it was just a game of hide and seek or something much more serious. MLIA.

Today I knocked over my fridge. My mom asked about the crash she heard, I told her it was our cat. Not only did my mom believe that our cat knocked over the fridge, we don't have a cat. MLIA.

Today, my friend explained to me that if you write 3.14 on a piece of paper and hold it in a mirror, it will say pie. Mind. Blown. MLIA

Today, my math teacher slipped and fell on the floor. Twice. The second time, the entire class stood up and burst into applause. As my teacher stood up, he said: "Thank you for giving me a standing ovation as I went down." The vice principal walked in just in time and added, "that's what she said." MLIA

Today I was bored so I decided to participate in the Google and Yahoo debate. I typed in I Did Not in yahoo and it came up with I Did Not Recieve My Stimulus Check. Google came up with, I Did Not Hit You I High-Fived Your Face. Google wins again! MLIA.

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